Before the presentation, Board of Education President Victoria Powers shared a statement on behalf of the Board.
“The Board fully supports the efforts of our teachers, staff, and administrators in this collaborative work,” she said. “This work is based on a firm commitment to our students, teachers, and staff, and that commitment has been and remains fundamental to education in Bexley.”
Ms. Powers continued, “Like our community, the board values and cherishes our teachers, our staff, our students, and our families. We are committed to continuing the work to ensure a safe, nurturing, caring, and supportive school environment for everyone, each and every day. I believe that this district is strong because of our teachers, leadership, students, and families. And when we face challenges, we work together to listen, learn, improve, and move forward.”
Dr. Fine said ensuring that the safety, health, and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff are at the forefront of our conversations would be addressed in the presentation to the Board.
He also shared an important reminder that the schools are guided through Board policy and the schools’ strategic plan, which is in year 2 of 3. “We had over 3,000 data points a year ago to help us decide and determine what (the plan) is exactly,” he said. “Our mission and values, along with the goals and objectives of our district, I think, fit beautifully with the conversation that we're having.”
Chief Academic Officer Casey Cosgray, Director of Student Services and Accessibility Barb Gentille Green, and Lizzie Kiser, Special Education Coordinator, focused their presentation on prevention. intervention, and post intervention.
Dr. Fine emphasized at the end of his presentation that this work in support of faculty, staff, and students will continue with the hope and intent to continue working collaboratively in teams with members of the Bexley Education Association.
Video Timestamps
Victoria Powers' Comments on Behalf of the Board: 32.12; Dr. Jason Fine Comments: 34.48; Presentation Begins: 39.33