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Polar Bear Club

This special group is sponsored by The Health and Wellness Committee and was formed to provide an opportunity for students to go outside on a few days when the weather conditions are colder than a typical school day (below 20 degress) or when the snow keeps most folks indoors. Of course, this means that students will need to come prepared with proper cold weather clothing, including:
  • Hats
  • Gloves or mittens
  • Snow pants
  • Snow boots
  • Warm jacket
  • Garbage bag for storage

Putting all the winter gear on and off will take place in the gym and students will need a garbage bag for wet clothes storage when they are done! We hope to do this a few times during the winter months. We will keep an eye out for the weather and make an announcement the night before indicating that the next day will be a Polar Bear Day. Those students that have a permission slip and proper clothing will be able to go outside and brave the winter weather! 

If you would are interested in volunteering to help, contact Principal Niswander!

For More Information

2754 Maryland Avenue
Bexley, Ohio 43209
Phone: (614) 237-3280
Fax: (614) 338.2080

Permission Slip