January 12 Newsletter

Family Update
Dear Families,
Second quarter grades will be available on Monday, January 13th. At 3pm, you will have access to review your child’s academic progress within their report card. Please keep in mind that teachers are reporting progress through the end of the second of four grading periods. Our report cards are aligned with Ohio’s Learning Standards. These standards are designed to cover the entire academic year; there are a number of standards your child has yet to explore within their classroom! Directions for accessing your child’s report card can be found below. Winter conferences are coming up in February and can be a great time to check in about your child’s progress here at school.  
If your child receives special services through an IEP, progress reports from intervention specialists will also be available on Tuesday afternoon.  These reports are sent through SameGoal email messages.  Please contact your child’s intervention specialist should you have any questions. 
Thank you for your partnership!
Nyesha Clayton, Montrose Elementary Principal
Rachel Niswander, Maryland Elementary Principal
David Schottner, Cassingham Elementary Principal
This Week's Newsletter Highlight's Include... 
Information about head lice;
Important upcoming dates;
Accessing K-5 Report Cards;
No Place for Hate;
Guidelines for visitors on school property:
Attendance expectations and requirements;
Flier Connect;
A reminder that we don’t allow birthday treats but encourage special classroom traditions to celebrate students.
Important Dates
1/13 – Report Cards Go Live on Power School at 3:00 PM
1/14- Montrose PTO Meeting 7:00PM 
1/15 – Diverse Learning PTO (Topic - Least Restrictive Environment) 6:30PM 
1/17- Montrose Family Dance 6:30PM
1/20 – No School for Students or Staff
1/30- Montrose Night at the Library 6:00PM
Accessing K-5 Report Cards 
Your child’s report card for Quarter 2 can be accessed in PowerSchool on Jan. 13, 2025 starting at 3:00pm. 
You can access PowerSchool from the district website: BexleySchools.org > click Find It Fast, then Parent & Student Portal. Select Students & Parents under the PowerSchool heading.
Directions for Viewing Grades
Sign into your PowerSchool parent account.
Click the Standards Grades tab.
View grades by clicking the drown-down arrow next to each class, or click Expand All to view all classes at once.
If comments are available, they can be viewed by licking the comment icon.
To print a paper copy, click the printer icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
Marking System
The marking system consists of M (Mastery), D (Developing), E (Emerging), and IE (Insufficient Evidence). For more details for these progress indicators go to our school web page: BexleySchools.org > Montrose > Forms & Resources > K-5 Report Cards Information.
Creating an Account
If you have not created an account for any of your children in Bexley Schools, please contact the school office for information for how to do so. You will first need to create your PowerSchool parent account and then link your account to your child’s name (ID and access password provided by the district)
MAP Assessments 
The Winter MAP testing window runs from January 13th -January 24th. Students in Second - Fifth grades will be taking the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment in reading and math. First grade will take the Math MAP during this two-week period. 
MAP is a computerized assessment that adapts to each student by giving items that are more or less difficult based on how students answer previous items; so regardless of whether a student is above, on, or below grade level, MAP can help determine what a student is ready to learn.  And, since it is given multiple times in a year, it allows us to measure the growth a student shows from one testing session to another. This is our opportunity to check on student progress since the fall so our teachers can make sure to prepare lessons that will fill in any gaps, provide more intensive interventions to those who need them, keep students mastering on grade-level standards, and provide a necessary extension for those who are ready.  Results from MAP will be shared with families around conference time. Please be sure students bring their device charged and ready to use. Grade level teachers will share specific dates in their newsletters. 
No Place for Hate 
This school year, our schools are stepping up to promote unity and compassion by creating a sustainable culture where there is No Place For Hate in our buildings. Each Bexley school is participating and planning specific initiatives to encourage the school community to become No Place for Hate.  Our schools will be conducting a NPFH kick-off assembly with students and staff. At the kick-off, students will share the NPFH Pledge. The pledge will serve to guide the actions of the students toward helping the school become NPFH.  Students and staff will use the remainder of the school year to implement at least three NPFH initiatives. When completed, our building will receive a No Place for Hate national designation from the Anti-Defamation League. 
No Place for Hate is a simple, yet profound, way to create a positive school culture and encourage lifelong habits of kindness. Kindness is not just a word - it's a necessity for creating lasting change in our schools, our communities, and our world. Students leading students toward a common goal that supports positive relationships and discourages bullying will help to create spaces for students to learn with curiosity, demonstrate kindness, and embrace equity. The entire community is invited to join together to support this effort.
Guidelines for Visitors on School Property 
The following are guidelines regarding visitors on Bexley School District property:
  • Visitors may not loiter on school grounds or initiate conversation with students whom they do not have a previously established relationship with.
  • Visitors may not provide food or beverages to students.
  • Visitors may not collect contact information (e.g., phone numbers, addresses, etc.) from students without parental permission.
  • Visitors may not participate in student-led activities during the school day, during student arrival, or during dismissal.
  • Visitors may attend events open to the general public, including student exhibitions, performances, and contests in accordance with the guidelines for those events and venues.
School principals and their designees are authorized to take appropriate action to prevent and remove, if necessary, unauthorized persons from entering District buildings, loitering on the grounds, and/or creating disturbances anywhere on District property.
Remember, if you see something that makes you or your students uncomfortable, then please say something either to a staff member, or via our online safety reporting tool, “Stay Safe. Speak Up!”
Attendance Expectations and Requirements
Regular school attendance is an important ingredient in students’ academic success. Excessive absences interfere with students’ progress in mastering knowledge and skills necessary to graduate from high school prepared for higher education and the workforce. House Bill 410 requires all Ohio schools to calculate each child’s school attendance to the minute.  To support academic success for all students, our schools partner with students and their families to identify and reduce barriers to regular school attendance. Please check out this list of frequently asked questions and contact your child’s teacher or principal with any questions regarding your child's attendance.  House Bill 410 - FAQ (See Policy JEDA.)
Find Local Information on Schools Flier Connect
Bexley Schools maintains our Flier Connection on the district website as a resource for community and other events or notices. This “virtual backpack” allows us to share information from outside organizations on events, recreation sports leagues, and more. Don’t forget to check the Flier Connection on a regular basis. You can find the Flier Connection on the district home page under the “About” tab. You also may submit events or information for posting to our “Flier Connection.” The button to submit information is on the same webpage.