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A Typical Day at Cassingham

A Typical Cassingham Day

"Students ask questions all day long.  Instruction is organized around inquiry-centered, transdisciplinary units of study inclusive of math, science, social studies, language arts, and health & wellness content areas."  

The school doors open at 8:10AM with the student day starting at 8:15AM. Students break from 11:00AM - 12:00PM for lunch and recess. During the lunch/recess hour, students enjoy 40 minutes of outside, free play and have 20 minutes to eat. They then return to class until dismissal at 3:00PM. Kindergarten students have an additional 15 minute recess in the morning and a 15 minute recess in the afternoon. Grades 1-5 enjoy an additional 15 minute recess break in the afternoon. Students K-5, experience 45 minutes of art, physical education and general music instruction each week. For students in grades 4 and 5, instrumental music opportunities in band and orchestra are available for 75 minutes each week.