Health Services

Supporting Healthy School Environments

The health clinics support a healthy school environment by monitoring immunizations, infectious diseases, student health concerns and medication administration, aligning to Board of Education health policies and Ohio Department of Health requirements.
Health services increase school attendance and reduce barriers to learning and academic achievement.  Nurses work closely with school counselors to address a student's social-emotional as well as physical health needs.
The school health clinics are operated by four registered nurses who support the general health of students, communicate with parents/guardians about health concerns, and arrange sending students home when necessary. 


The clinics provide screenings, first aid and medical care to students during school days only.  Clinic nurses cannot diagnose and a visit to the health clinic is not intended to replace the services of a primary physician.

Annual Expectations

Health forms that pertain to specific health needs must be completed and maintained up-to-date

Medications at School

Whenever possible, medications should be given at home.  If prescription medications must be given at school, an authorization form should be completed. Non-prescription medications require a signed form or parental consent by phone before medication is administered.


Ohio law and Board of Education policy require that students in all grades must meet minimum immunization standards.  The immunization record must include the student's name, birth date, and vaccines given and month/day/year of each immunization.  

Health Screenings at School

Districts are required by Ohio law to conduct vision and hearing screenings.  The purpose of these is to detect health problems that can result in early treatment:
  • Hearing:  Screenings are performed in grades PK, K, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11; also students participating in band and new students to the district.
  • Vision:  Screenings are performed in grades PK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 11; all new students to the district. 

COVID-19 Test Kits

The City of Bexley has COVID-19 rapid testing kits to distribute to symptomatic residents and their family members and those who have been identified as having had a close contact to COVID-19. These tests are recommended for individuals suspected of having COVID-19 within the first seven days of symptom onset and discouraged for asymptomatic individuals and those who haven’t had a known contact with a probable or confirmed case. This test should not be used within 90 days of a prior positive COVID test.

Depending on need, test kit distribution may be expanded to those who are not experiencing symptoms at a later date. These are self-collected nasal swab tests that require access to both a smartphone and computer with internet access and a camera.

For students of Bexley City Schools, please contact the appropriate school nurse to request a test: