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Individualized Education Program

The Individualized Education Program, also called the IEP, is a document that is developed for each public school child who is eligible for special education. Created through a team effort, the IEP is reviewed periodically.  An IEP is an important legal document that spells out a student's learning needs, the services the school will provide and how progress will be measured. Several people, including parents, are involved in creating the document. 

Doe v. State of Ohio

The Ohio Department of Education and Disability Rights Ohio have received preliminary approval of a settlement in the class action lawsuit, Doe v. State of Ohio, case number 2:91-cv-00464. Our assistance has been requested to inform students and parents of the proposed settlement. Our school district is not a defendant in this lawsuit and is not accused of any wrongdoing in this lawsuit. We are sharing this information as a courtesy to the Ohio Department of Education and our community: Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement. If you have any questions about this process, please call the Department’s Office of the Chief Legal Counsel at (614) 752-5807.

For More Information

Director of Student Services & Accessibility
Bexley City Schools
348 South Cassingham Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209
(614) 231-7611