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Public Records Requests

Public Records Requests

Public Records

The Board of Education supports the public’s right to know about the programs and services of the District and makes efforts to disseminate appropriate information. Additionally, as a public school district, the District is subject to Ohio’s Public Records Act, Ohio Revised Code section 149.43. More information about requesting public records is available in Board Policy KBA.

As a non-federal entity, Bexley City Schools is not generally subject to the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Public Records Requests

Public records requests should be directed to the District’s Custodian of Public Records and should identify the records sought with reasonable clarity, so the District can identify responsive records. The District is not obligated to create new records in response to a request. The District asks (but does not require) that requests for public records be made in writing and via email. An optional form is available. 

Although the District does not require that a requester provide their identity or a reason for their request, this information can reduce response times and enhance the District’s ability to identify, locate, and deliver the records sought. The District responds to requests for public records within a reasonable period of time, taking into consideration the facts and circumstances of the particular request. All requests are logged by the Treasurer’s office. 

Custodian of Public Records

Kyle F. Smith, Treasurer/CFO

[email protected]

Central Office Hours : 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

(614) 231-7611

348 S. Cassingham Road, Bexley OH 43209


Records Retention Schedule

The District maintains records in accordance with its record retention schedule. To view the current records retention schedule, please click here.


Student Education Record Requests 

Student education records are not public records and generally cannot be shared, except with a student’s parent, or a student who is 18 years old or older. Parents or eligible students who wish to inspect education records should submit a request to the student’s principal, specifically identifying the records they wish to inspect. Additional information about education records is available in Board Policy JO and Board Policy JO-R.

Custodian of Public Records

Kyle F. Smith, Treasurer/CFO

[email protected]

Central Office Hours : 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

(614) 231-7611

348 S. Cassingham Road, Bexley OH 43209