We're Planning Future Bexley Schools
Follow the progress of our important Facilities Planning Work at bex.fyi/dfp
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The Bexley Board of Education on December 13, 2023, approved a resolution authorizing the district to negotiate and execute an agreement with Perkins&Will/Moody Nolan to help the district develop a community-driven facilities plan for all of our academic and extracurricular environments throughout our district.

A District Facilities Plan was a key recommendation of Bexley Schools’ new Strategic Plan that is being implemented this school year. The Strategic Plan calls for the development of a facilities plan “that will efficiently utilize spaces and resources to address the growing population and evolving needs of the district.”

We know all of our buildings and many classrooms have limitations and we’re excited to work with Perkins&Will and Moody Nolan – two highly successful and widely respected architectural design firms. We’re confident we will develop a Facilities Plan that will have flexibility for future innovations in teaching and learning and one that ensures our spaces are efficient and welcoming, providing every student in the district with dynamic and flexible environments to meet their learning needs.

With all of Bexley’s school buildings at or approaching 100 years of age, maintenance is always a priority. The facilities planning process will study the state of current buildings and propose upgrades and changes. Additionally, with enrollment projected to increase, architects will help the district find new or better utilize existing spaces.