Welcome to Bexley City Schools!
Whether you are new to our district or have been part of the BCS community for years, you are welcome here! It is our goal as a district to provide all of our students with opportunities to thrive and all staff with a rewarding place to work.
We are a community of Champions. Bexley Lions champion their own growth and development; they champion their peers, mentor others and give back to their community. We celebrate what makes each individual unique and aim to propel each person in our district forward in their journey as a learner.
The BCS community would not be the same without our families, community partners, and key organizations, such as our PTOs, booster groups, and the Bexley Education Foundation to name a few. Each student can find and pursue their passions in BCS because of the support of our community for high-quality educational experiences.
Please reach out to our district offices or a specific building to learn more about what we provide our students and how you can support our work to develop the next generation of leaders right here in Bexley!
Go Lions!
Dr. Jason Fine