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Parent Mentor Program

Bexley's Parent Mentor is available to support the families of children with special needs from ages three through high school graduation. The Parent Mentor project is funded by the Ohio Department of Education with additional funding from the Adam Stuart Linhart Foundation.

What does a Parent Mentor Do?

  • Guides families through the special education process and helps them understand their rights and responsibilities;
  • Listens and supports families and teachers on an individual basis;
  • Provide information and resources to families and schools . This includes education laws, district programs, and community services ;
  • Attend IEP meetings and other education-related meetings at parent or staff request;
  • Partners with the Special Education PTO (SEPTO) to organize information sessions for families;
  • Make resource materials available to families and teachers from the Adam Stuart Linhart Memorial Resource Library
All services are provided at no cost.

Parent Mentor Newsletter Archive

December 2024

Hello Bexley Families!  
You are receiving this second quarter winter Parent Mentor newsletter because you have a student with an IEP within the school district. Below you will find information and resources relevant to Special Education and Disability focused topics.  

Family Survey: The District is utilizing the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESCCO) to conduct a review of staffing, workload, class composition, and the delivery of educational and specially designed services to students with disabilities. Upon conclusion of the review, they will provide recommendations to the Superintendent, Bexley Education Association, and the Board President based on the results. Family surveys are one way the ESCCO is gathering information.

District updates:
From Barb Gentille Green, Director of Student Services & Accessibility
The survey will be emailed directly to families very soon, or you can access it through this link or QR code:

  • Post-Secondary Transition Resource Materials for Families may be accessed HERE. A huge thanks to Tom Chrysler, Transition Coordinator for all the resources he is developing to support students in preparing for life after high school!
  • Watch for IEP Quarterly Progress Reports on January 16, 2025.
  • Green Teams: The district is implementing the use of “green teams” in all buildings. When called by a staff member, these teams respond to support situations when a student is dysregulated. Members of the green team are fully trained in Crisis Prevention Institute de-escalation training. They may help the student, or support a teacher who is helping the student, based on individualized needs.

  • Extended School Year: At the annual IEP review, your child’s team must determine if Extended School Year (ESY) services are necessary. The team must review the progress data on IEP goals before and after breaks in instruction (ie: summer break, winter break, summer break) to determine if there is a regression that is not recouped within a short period of time. The dates that the district has selected for ESY instruction are strategically scheduled to reduce breaks in instruction, to support maintenance of skills. This summer, ESY will be scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, on the following dates:
    • June 10, 11, 12
    • June 24, 25, 26
    • July 8, 9, 10
    • July 29, 30, 31
Student times will fall between 8:30-11:00 with students’ individual schedules developed based on the number of minutes per week determined by the student’s IEP team.

  • Equity Update:  If you have not yet read our Bexley Equity Publication HERE

  • If you want to report an equity issue within our schools, please use the Equity Reporting tool on our  homepage website: https://www.bexleyschools.org/

  •  Who to Contact:   Do you ever wonder who you should reach out to with questions on specific topics? Please check out this new resource:  which can be found HERE!
  • Retirement: As you may have heard, I am retiring at the end of this school year. After 41 years of educating and advocating for learners with disabilities, I’m going to spend some time with my grandchildren, ages 1, 2 and 3! (I hope I have the energy for them!!). We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition to the next Director, with continued work on the goals within our strategic plan and within this department. Please know that I am here, working hard until my final day at the end of July, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything. [email protected] or (614) 333-9959. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of Bexley City Schools, working with many of you, and supporting our staff as they support your children. Bexley is a very special place! 
Section 504 and Special Education Evaluations:
To support understanding of these two federal programs for students with disabilities, the following table has been developed. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with additional questions!

Diverse Learning PTO: 
Our upcoming meeting dates are all at 6:30 pm and locations TBD:
Weds, Jan. 15 - Topic: Least Restrictive Environment
Mon., Feb 10 - Topic TBD
Thurs., March 6 - Topic TBD
Weds, April 9 - 25-26 Board Elections
We encourage all parents with students with disabilities, diverse learning needs, or questions about any of the above to join us! All meetings have a Zoom option. Email bexleydiverselearningPTO@gmail.com with any questions or ideas:

Disability Focused Resources: 
Some additional resources or tips around school based extracurricular planning:  
“OSERS and OESE have jointly released guidance on functional behavior assessments (FBAs). The guidance provides educators and families with information, tools, and resources to support the broader use of FBAs and behavioral plans for all students.” 
Central OH/ Online Events:
December 2024: 
"This year, join us on one (or both!) of our My First Nutcracker performances.  Our sensory-friendly version of THE NUTCRACKER includes various adaptations to make your experience as comfortable and personalized as possible:
Choose your own seat
Shortened Length
Reduced Noises
Free to stand in the aisles and move around
Friendly character introductions
Calming area with seating
Dimmed house lights
Sensory-friendly team members
  • OSU Nisonger Center- Aspirations Ohio- Applications can be completed until December 30th.  Programs run Jan-April, 2025 and topics range from social skills, Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills group self advocacy, and more.  Click link for more information about dates, cost, and application., 
January 2025 and beyond: 
  • The Dublin City Schools/SEAC Summer Program Fair- January 18th, 2025
    • Free event- no registration required.  Local agencies and camps will share information on the activities and services that they offer during the summer for children in preschool through postsecondary. Parents can visit vendor tables to speak to representatives from each agency about their services.  Location: 5175 Emerald Parkway, Dublin OH
  • Year in Review: Critical Developments in 2024 Special Education Case Law” by AW Law -Tuesday, January 21, 2025:
    • “This workshop will explore the most significant special education case law developments of 2024 and their implications for special education policies and procedures.” Registration Link 
  • “Driving with a Disability”Thursday, January 23 at 6:30–8:00 PM- Online and Free.   Sponsored by University of Cincinnati Children's Medical Center.  Registration HERE  “Join us for our next Transition Booster Session to learn about preparing for driving with a disability. We'll cover:
- How to determine readiness for driving
- At-home skills to practice
- Safety considerations
- What to expect during a driving assessment
- Who to contact for an assessment
Speaker: Julie Dominik, OT/L, Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist, Licensed Driving Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital”
  • Ohio Summit on Dyslexia 2025 - Literacy for ALL” March 8, 2025  8:30am – 4:00pm.  For more info about early bird registration, location, and speakers, please visit the IDA of Central Ohio webpage.  
  • Have a student aged 14 and up?  Bookmark the Events section of Tom Chrysler’s Bexley Transition page!  Information is relevant for all students planning for transitions to college, looking for internships, or career events. Updated often! 

In the News: 
Want to read a previous newsletter?  Check out the Parent Newsletter Archive!  

The Bexley's Parent Mentor is available to support the families navigating special education or disability from ages three through high school graduation. All services are provided at no cost and upon request.  
If you have a question or would like to request support, please contact Rachael Holland <[email protected]>


Hello Parents and Families, 

Please enjoy the first Parent Mentor Newsletter of the 24-25 school year!  This is sent directly to all parents/guardians of a student with an IEP.  Current and past newsletters are archived and available to any family via our district website here
Below you will find District updates, local events, resources, and news that will keep you informed and connected.  This quarter’s newsletter highlights the theme of Self Determination and features a special section by Bexley Transition Specialist, Tom Chrysler. 

District update:

Welcome to our new Special Education staff members!
  • Special Education Coordinator: Lizzie Kiser

    • Lizzie was an Intervention Specialist with us for the past two years, and has brought a wealth of knowledge to our department. She is passionate and tireless in her efforts to ensure students and staff get what they need to succeed! Lizzie is a creative problem solver, an open and approachable communicator and an advocate for students with disabilities!

  • Intervention Specialist on Special Assignment: Tom Chrysler

    • Tom has served as an Intervention Specialist for many years at the High School. Part of Tom’s new role is to strengthen our resources for Postsecondary Transition Planning (Section 5 of the IEP). He has been meeting with small groups of students on IEPs to help them understand themselves as learners as they prepare for their futures after high school. He is finding amazing resources to share with all secondary level Intervention Specialists so that they can work with their students on transition planning.

  • Intervention Specialists:

    • Shelby Colan - Cassingham Elementary

    • Andrew Peal - Cassingham Elementary

    • Kathryn Downey - Montrose Elementary

    • Jordyn Chacon-Reina - Middle School

    • Jocelyn Browning - High School

    • Cari Sullivan - High School

  • Paraprofessionals:

    • Eric Acton - Cassingham Elementary

    • Phil Gaulin - Maryland Elementary

    • Nicole Grzywna - Preschool and Middle School

    • Tyler Mansfield - Middle School

    • Mitch McCune - High School

Bexley’s Behavior Support Team:

  • This year, we have a dynamic trio sharing their behavioral expertise across the district! Michelle Jones, our Board Certified Behavior Analyst has been with us for several years. She has supported two of our paraprofessionals in preparing for their exams and becoming Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs). This year, we moved the two RBTs, Megan Shook and Blaire Kelley, from their assigned buildings to work with Michelle across the district. The team conducts observations, collects data, coaches staff in learning effective behavioral strategies and in the implementation of behavior intervention plans (BIPs). To learn more about our RBTs, click here.

  • Check out Michelle Jones’ Behavior Beats Newsletter!

Parent Surveys:

  • Two surveys will be coming to your inbox soon!

    • Survey for families of students with IEPs to express your interest in meeting with district leadership to share your perspectives regarding special education services within the district.

    • A districtwide family survey as a part of our Instruction and Systems Study. This study is using a variety of tools to look at the district’s system of supporting students’ academic, behavioral and social emotional learning needs. The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio is facilitating the process. There will be surveys, focus groups and stakeholder meetings. At the conclusion of the yearlong study, the district will develop action steps to strengthen our special education system, including staff workload and caseload as well as the provision of special education services. 


Self Determination and the Dignity of Failure by Thomas Chrysler

Recently I met with a small group of Bexley High School students receiving educational support through an IEP.  I began by asking, “Do you think it is safer to fail while you’re in high school or to experience failure after you graduate?” Without hesitation the group responded, “During high school!.” I initially assumed their united response was related to the support they felt within our learning community. Family, friends, faculty, counselors, faith leaders, advocates, and many others support our diverse learners’ desires to move toward greater independence. But is this why they quickly answered my question in unison? 

The transition lesson presented introduced the concept of “self-determination”. The National Parent Center on Transition and Employment explains that “Self-determination involves many attitudes and abilities including: self-awareness, assertiveness, creativity, and pride, and problem solving and self-advocacy skills. To take charge of your own life, you must be able to set goals, evaluate options, make choices and then work to achieve your goals. (pacer.org)”

Self-determination may be thought of as a fulcrum or balance point. On the tip of this fulcrum rests a plank lined with risks and responsibilities.  On one side of the plank perch life's risks. On the other side of the plank life’s responsibilities stand at attention. Becoming self-determined is finding the exact balance between these two concepts. A single focus on the risks results in fearful chaos.  Focusing solely on responsibilities becomes an unbearable burden.  Adulthood is learning to find the proper balance of risk and responsibility. The excitement comes when we learn how to live on the edge of chaos while fully embracing core responsibilities. This is the adventure of self-determination.

Going on an adventure, like sailing around the world, can only be embraced when all potential factors related to failure are understood. Then every responsible accommodation and contingency can be accounted for.  Neglecting these responsibilities makes it much easier for chaos to leak into the boat. At the same time, remaining stuck on the side of safety means we may never set off to sea. A boat stuck in drydock or left unused is not serving its purpose, and dry rot will set in for lack of exposure to water. Understanding failure as feedback helps us live a self-determined lifestyle. Failure is the feedback we can learn to recognize as helpful and directive instead of something to be avoided. Failure after high school is inherently more complicated, and the weight of future failure should motivate us to prepare today.

According to The National Center for College Students With Disabilities, 21% of all undergraduates have disclosed that they have a disability. In 2023, 22.5% of people with a disability were employed--the highest recorded ratio since comparable data were first collected in 2008 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). And, according to the US Department of Labor, around one-quarter of employed people with disabilities are working in skilled trades. These statistics serve as a reminder that there are a great variety of adventures to be considered by our students.

A student's response to the failure question might be related to a recognition of these kinds of adventures. We can help students experience a higher level of self-determination in their learning when we encourage this openness. We need to thoughtfully cultivate opportunities for students to exercise courage and embrace the dignity of risk. Productive opportunities and experiences must account for failure that build character. Humility, accountability, and teachability will help students navigate through their self-determination adventures. 

Tom Chrysler is the Transition Coordinator collaborating with students, intervention specialists, families, administrators, and adult agencies to help develop and facilitate transition activities. Transition planning for students on IEPs begins at age 14.

 Bexley Family Transition Resource Materials may be accessed HERE.

Diverse Learning PTO: 

The Diverse Learning PTO is an active group of parents, friends, and educators working together as a team to share parent education resources and address the educational, social, and emotional needs of children with disabilities and diverse learning needs in Bexley City Schools. We serve the elementary, middle, and high schools.

Please welcome our new Board Officers for 24-25 School year: 

Sarah Biehl, President

Valerie Halas, Vice President/Secretary

Ashley Amigo, Treasurer

Anna Gasbarro, Communications Chair

Betsy Waterman & Emily Whitney, Social & Events Co-Chairs

Cynthia Young, Member At Large

Our new website: https://bexleydiverselearningpto.com/

Upcoming Events: 

  • November meeting: 11/12/24 at 6:30 pm at the Maryland library, featuring a roundtable with Barb Gentille Green and Lizzie Kiser about special education services in Bexley City Schools.

  • Winter Social: Tuesday, December 10 at the Bexley Senior Center, 420 N Cassady Ave. The gist: parents only, food, beverages, & prizes, and time away with other parents who get how hard it all is.

Future meetings: (Topic TBD) 

1/14/25, 6:30

2/11/25, 6:30

3/11/25, 6:30

4/8/25, 6:30 - elections for 25/26!

May, date TBD - end of year picnic

Upcoming Central Ohio Events: 

  • Sensory Friendly Pumpkin Glow: October 16th, 7:00pm- 9:00pm

    • “Join us for a sensory friendly evening at The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow! This fun-filled evening will include complimentary refreshments, games, and activities. One adult or one Support Staff member are free! Everyone else must register for the event.” Cost $5

  • Hiring and Keeping: Presented by Art Possible OH in partnership with CMA. Wednesday, Oct 16, 10am - 4pm

    • “This in-person workshop explores “tips for creating and maintaining an inclusive workplace for individuals with disabilities”  Cost $25. 

  • 9th Annual Halloween Hop- Saturday, October 19th, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM 

    • Columbus Speech and Hearing hosts their annual sensory-friendly Halloween party for kids of all abilities! Located at CoHatch in Westerville.  Cost: Event is free, but registration is required.

  • Trunk or Treat- - Autism Society of Central Ohio: “Put on your costume and join us for Halloween fun! We will have an inclusive and sensory friendly Trunk or Treat.” Cost: Free but registration is required and linked below.  

  • Trunk or Treat- Ohio AG Bell- October 18, 2024, 6:00-8:00 pm

    •  “Come dressed in costume and meet friends with hearing loss and their families!  An ASL interpreter will be present at the event.” Located at the Upper Albany West Clubhouse Parking Lot. Cost: Free

  • OCALI Conference Online- (OCALICON) - November 19-22, 2024

    • Based in Columbus but now entirely online, this has become “the premier Autism and Disability Conference” and connects families, educators, and providers, and individuals with over 400 presenters and 200 sessions online.  Cost: Registration for families is $80.  Sessions will be on-demand for several months after the event.    

  •  The Infinity Experience- Appointment Based

    • “An inclusive barbershop experience for children with neurodivergence, intellectual, physical or developmental disabilities. Youth from toddlers to age 17 can receive free hair cutting services in a welcoming environment. Services are donation-based and are free for participating families. Visit the website to request an appointment or to make a donation. smoothvisionarykutz.com Cost: Free


  • Bexley/ Central Ohio Disability Resources- 24-25- a developing list of information and resources in one centralized location.  Have suggestions, organizations, or info to share?  Please send them to <[email protected]

  • Positive Parenting Program - Triple P:  Free and online- “Every parent or caregiver in Ohio is eligible to register for the program. Once registered, parents and caregivers will have access to the program for 12 months thanks to funding from the Ohio Department of Children & Youth. Please note this is intended as a 'one per person' offer.” 

  • Bexley Tutor List- a courtesy list of tutors- not a list of endorsed tutors.  All information has been provided by the tutor.  The District does not background check, endorse, or promote individual tutors. Information is confirmed by tutors annually by the Parent Mentor.  

  • Learning Aid Ohio- Available to students with an IEP and family income is 400% of the federal poverty level or below

Disability In the News: 

May 2024

Hello to Parents and Guardians!
This is the last Parent Mentor Newsletter of the 23-24 school year! Below you will find District updates, resources, learning opportunities, and community connections sent directly to you, as parents/guardians of a Bexley student with a current IEP.  Don’t miss some of the future event dates already planned  for the 24-24 school year! 
Need to find a previous newsletter? The current and past issues will be available on the Bexley School's Parent Mentor Webpage.  
District Update: 
  • Kitchen of Life - Through the Adam Stuart Linhart Memorial Fund of the Columbus Foundation, 20 Middle and High School students with and without disabilities enjoyed four visits together to the Kitchen of Life this school year. The students collaboratively participated in social-emotional lessons covering the skills of persistence, communication, team work and resilience, then put those skills into practice by preparing food together. Each student reflected on their experiences after the sessions. We greatly appreciate the support of the grant to foster these peer experiences!
  • Information from the Columbus Foundation regarding the Adam Stuart Linhart Memorial Fund: Adam was a graduate of Bexley Schools who passed away tragically on March 23, 1997 at the age of 20. Adam had strengths of charm, intelligence, artistic and mechanical ability, creativity and athleticism. He also had a learning disability and ADHD. His family created this fund to help children and adolescents who have special learning needs by providing schools and/or parents with training, materials or scholarships. Another primary goal of the fund is to facilitate better collaborative efforts between school personnel and families of students with special needs.
  • Special Education Coordinator - We are sad to announce that Cathy Rodeheffer will not be returning to Bexley for the 2024/25 school year. She has accepted a position at State Support Team Region 11, where she will provide special education consultation for several central Ohio school districts. Cathy has been instrumental in creating processes and procedures to create consistency within our district. Her strong relationships with many families will be a void, but one that will be slowly filled as our new Coordinator steps into the role. Interviews for candidates will be held May 22, with a robust team of staff and parents on the interview panel. 
  • Intervention Specialist on Special Assignment - we have posted a new position internally for the 2024/25 school year. This Intervention Specialist will strengthen our postsecondary transition services and resources and provide professional development for our staff. They will also assist with Jon Peterson and Autism Scholarship IEP development and meetings as well as other internal special education tasks. The posting is active until May 20 and an announcement of who will fill this position will be made after that date.
  • Behavior Support Team - we have two Registered Behavior Technicians who have been working in specific classrooms as paraprofessionals the past few years. Next year, they will work under the guidance of Michelle Jones, our BCBA, and as a team, they will support the entire district with student needs and staff professional development. We are excited to use the wealth of knowledge they have to support the entire district. 
Summer Break
The Student Services department is open year round! However, Intervention Specialists and therapists complete their school year on May 30. Their caseloads will be finalized over the summer, and you will hear from your child’s Intervention Specialist in August. All staff return on August 12 for Convocation, professional development and teacher workdays prior to the start of school on August 15! Should you need assistance over the summer, do not hesitate to contact [email protected][email protected] or [email protected] or call (614) 237-4309, ext. 3236.
Extended School Year 
In case your child’s IEP team determined that your child is eligible for Extended School Year services, the dates will be: 
  • June 11, 12, 13
  • June 25, 26, 27
  • July 16, 17, 18
  • July 23, 24, 25
Your child’s specific schedule will be determined based on the individualized services identified in the IEP. The hours of ESY are 8:30 - 11 a.m., and your child’s time will be scheduled within that time frame.
Parent Mentor
Ohio’s Parent Mentor Project takes a pause over the summer break, but will return as a resource in August for the 24-25 school year.  
If you have immediate needs over the summer and need to discuss your child’s special education plan, please reach out to your building administrator or the Bexley Student Services office.  
For statewide information about the PM grant or additional special education parent resources: https://parentmentor.osu.edu/.
 Diverse Learning PTO (formerly Special Education PTO) 
“The Diverse Learning PTO is an active group of parents, friends, and educators working together as a team to share parent education resources and address the educational, social, and emotional needs of children with disabilities and diverse learning needs in Bexley City Schools.” Diverse Learning PTO Email List Sign Up. Follow on:  Facebook and/ or Instagram
Meeting Dates for 24-25 School Year 
  • 8/20- Annual Ice Cream Social- join families to celebrate the new school year at Schneider park!  Located directly next to the community gardens in the shelterhouse.  
  • 9/10- First PTO meeting of the school year!  
  • 10/8- Franklin County Board of DD discusses what county based services are, and who qualifies, and their potential role across life stages 
  • 11/12- Topic TBD
  • 12/10- Holiday Social- a parent only event to connect, win prizes, and celebrate together. 
Mental Health
Joanne Mannarelli, Mental Health Specialist for Bexley Schools, shares articles and information around mental health topics.  
Central Ohio Events
  • “Neuroqueer Sphere” at Kaleidoscope Youth Center -  a free discussion group open to neurodivergent youth ages 12-20 on the 1st and 3rd Thursday, 5p-6:30p. Calendar and drop-in info for all Kaleidoscope Youth Center discussion and events found HERE.  
  • Adaptive Sports Connection- Calendar of events - Updated frequently
  • Neurodivergent Therapists- OH - “This directory was created to help neurodivergent clients find neurodivergent therapists. All providers on the directory identify as neurodivergent and agree to honor the Neurodivergent Therapists Values.” Note: Bexley schools does not endorse specific providers. This resource is shared due to provider focus/ being relevant to disability.  
  • Free Reading Clinic! With Otterbein University Students - Summer openings for rising 5th and 6th graders located in Bexley. Space is limited.  Please see the flyer for registration information.
  • Accessible Ohio Conference and Expo - hosted by Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities - July 23,  8 a.m.- 5 p.m. “Ohio is at its best when everyone is empowered to experience all our great state has to offer. Plan to join us in person on July 23, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a day dedicated to accessibility, inclusion, and equity in Ohio's public spaces.” 
  • Disability friendly and sensory friendly in Columbus - Calendar of events and updated frequently- Columbus on the Cheap
In the News
Looking Ahead
July- Disability Pride Month

Do you have upcoming events, resources, or topics you would like included in future newsletters?  Email Rachael Holland <[email protected]> to share! 

April 2024

Hello to Parents and Guardians!

Back by popular demand, our quarterly “Parent Mentor Newsletter” is returning!  If you are directly receiving this email, you currently have a student at Bexley schools who has an Individualized Education Program (often referred to as an IEP.) The purpose of the newsletter is to ensure that you and your family have direct access to information, resources, events, and community connections that are relevant to your needs. This and future newsletters will also be available for all Bexley families via the District Student Services website to ensure equitable access to information- regardless of current IEP status.      

Below you will find District Updates and resources, central Ohio events and organizations, and news and parent training that are connected to the disability and neurodivergent community. Our hope is that each newsletter will contain something that will support or build your knowledge regardless where you might be in the educational, special education, or life journey.  

District update: The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce recently released Special Education Profiles for districts. Bexley met every indicator!  

We continue to provide professional development opportunities for our staff to meet the literacy needs of Bexley students. Three intervention specialists participated in training on structured, multisensory literacy instruction this school year and have received ongoing coaching while they complete their 100 hour practicum. A new group of Intervention Specialists will begin the training this summer! This increases our capacity to support students at all buildings. The teachers are doing a fantastic job implementing what they have learned, and have expressed appreciation for this professional learning opportunity!

The District Internal Monitoring team continues its work to evaluate the compliance of district IEPs (redacted to maintain confidentiality). This information is used to determine how we can support staff to ensure that IEPs are compliant. The team, which consists of Intervention Specialists, a therapist, Parent Mentor and administrators, also discusses best practices that we would like to see implemented - Quality Beyond Compliance! Our final meeting of the year, in April, will be used to identify themes upon which staff professional development will be designed.  

In case your child’s IEP team determined that your child is eligible for Extended School Year services, the dates will be: June 11, 12, 13June 25, 26, 27July 16, 17, 18July 23, 24, 25.

Your child’s specific schedule will be determined based on the individualized services identified in the IEP. The hours of ESY are 8:30 - 11:00, and your child’s time will be scheduled within that time frame.

Parent Mentor: 
Many families in Bexley don’t realize they have a free local resource!  Bexley City Schools has been a recipient of the Ohio Parent Mentor Grant for over 20 years.  The grant funds a part-time position within Bexley schools, currently held by Rachael Holland, to work in collaboration with families, schools, and community agencies.  Ohio Parent Mentors are parents of a child with disabilities and provide free peer-to-peer support to other families with disabilities.  

Specifically, the Parent Mentor role can offer support in:
  • Understanding the rights and responsibilities of the student
  • Transitioning from preschool to high school
  • Guiding families through or planning for any special education meeting at the request of the family or district
  • Whole child planning and problem solving, including using the tools from Charting the Life course Nexus (our current Parent Mentor is an Ambassador for the OH program)  
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.    

Ohio’s Parent Mentor Project offers all services free of charge to families with children within the district (preschool until graduation.)  For more information: https://parentmentor.osu.edu/ -or- contact Rachael Holland directly at [email protected].

Diverse Learning PTO (formerly Special Education PTO)
 “The Diverse Learning PTO is an active group of parents, friends, and educators working together as a team to share parent education resources and address the educational, social, and emotional needs of children with disabilities and diverse learning needs in Bexley City Schools.

We want to reach as many Bexley parents as possible, regardless of whether your child/children receive special education services. If you want to know more about what special education services entail, how the evaluation process works, how to get started, or whether a medical diagnosis means you should be talking to your child's teacher about accommodations, please fill out this form to get on our email list!” Diverse Learning PTO Email List Sign Up. Follow on Facebook and/ or Instagram.

Mental Health:
Joanne Mannarelli, Mental Health Specialist for Bexley Schools, shares articles and information around mental health topics.  

Local Events/ Resources:  
Do you have OH Afterschool Child Enrichment Funds you haven’t spent?
“The Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) Educational Savings Account funds must be used for allowable activities with service dates no later than July 1, 2024. All claims for ACE payments or reimbursement must be submitted to Merit no later than July 15, 2024. If you have questions or need help submitting a claim for reimbursement, please use the Help Center.”  

Learning Aid Ohio- Accepting waitlist applications.  
“Learning Aid Ohio provides students learning on IEPs and 504 Plans funding for in-person, supplemental learning support. Our goal is to connect families with Learning Providers to help students stay on track toward their academic goals, specific to their individual needs, and based on the curriculum their traditional teachers set.”  To be eligible a student must have an IEP or 504, be an Ohio resident, and have family income below 400% of the federal poverty line.  (The 400% federal poverty line for a family of 4 in 2024 is $124,800. )  

2024 Summer Special Education Program Fair Brochure: A list of Central Ohio providers who participated in the Dublin City Schools Special Education Summer Fair

Colleges/Universities Resource Directory: For students who are planning to attend college and who are currently being served on an IEP or 504 plan. Last updated Fall 2023 by State Support Team 11 

Summer Resources: The following information is shared in the hope that the challenges and experiences of other parents will enable you to select the summer camp that is most appropriate to meeting the needs of your child. Last updated in March 2024.  

Extended School Year Services: What you need to know: Understood.org gives an overview of what Extended School Year services are.   

Understanding Formative, Interim and Summative Assessments in the Classroom: The Ohio Department of Education provides a breakdown of types of assessments used in a classroom and how they are used in a classroom.   

Ohio program helps people with disabilities access more places - “Accessible Ohio helps venues open their spaces to people with disabilities by adding more accommodations and amenities.” The Columbus Dispatch. Jan 15, 2024

Department of Developmental Disabilities hoping to make Ohio more accessible - “COLUMBUS, Ohio — Gov. Mike DeWine allocated $56 million dollars of the state budget to the Department of Developmental Disabilities.”- Spectrum News, Jan 30, 2024.   

SSI May Be Missing Scores Of Eligible Beneficiaries - “A new report recommends that the Social Security Administration take additional steps to ensure that it reaches children who qualify for the Supplemental Security Income program. (Disability Scoop)” March 11, 2024 

Do you have upcoming events, resources, or topics you would like included in future newsletters? Email Rachael Holland to share! 

Parent Mentor

Rachael Holland is the Parent Mentor for Special Education in Bexley City Schools. She has a background in working within underserved communities around workplace reforms, specifically in non-profit community organizing and advocacy. Since 2019 she has worked under the Ohio Parent Mentor Project grant in Bexley Schools to support parents and staff as they navigate the special education process and the world of disability. In 2023 she became a certified Charting the Life Course Ambassador to further assist families with this whole-child/ person-centered framework and tools. She is the proud mom of two children, a special education parent, a neurodivergent adult (ask her how her ADHD is her superpower!), and a believer that learning is a lifelong journey for us all. 
(614) 237-4309, Ext. 3123