We're Planning Future Bexley Schools
Learn about our Facilities Planning Process and join us in this important work!
Go to bex.fyi/DFP to learn more or share your feedback now.

2024 Levy: Know the Facts of Issue 36
Learn about the levy request and Bexley School finances. Click now.

> District Financial Update Community Meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 6-7 p.m., Jeffrey Mansion

Superintendent's Strategic Planning Advisory Committee

Dr. Jason Fine, chair
Naomi Baker
Soledad Bowling
Marcelius Braxton
Spencer Cahoon
Jason Caudill
Brad Choyt
Mark Cooper
Casey Cosgray
Dionne Custer Edwards
Larry DeAtleyt Ellyson
Adam Eisenberg
Reece Goldman
Kristin Harpe
Lily Howes
Dr. Marguerethe Jaede
Chayce James
Janeen Kimble
Jeanette Kuder
Kendall Moore
Rachel Niswander
Jessica Olsheski
Olivia Pfund
Leigh Phay
Victoria Powers
Will Richardson
Michelle Rogers
Marty Ross-Dolan
Wren Ruckel
Ricarda Sarker
Sarah Saxbe
Jay Scott
Steve Shapiro
Grayson Sherman
Kyle Smith
George Tabit
Homa Tavangar
Carol Taylor
Heidi Varner
Kumi Walker