Ohio law sets criteria to be used by all districts for identifying students as gifted in the following areas: superior cognitive ability, reading, math, science, social studies, creative thinking ability, and visual and/or performing arts. Bexley City Schools tests all students in grades 2 through 11 at least once per year in the areas of reading and math and screens all students in grades 2 and 4 for superior cognitive ability and creative thinking. We also offer two windows of opportunity each year for students in grades K through 12 to be evaluated in any area based upon referral by a parent/guardian, teacher, or other individual. For more information about Gifted Identification, click here.
Gifted Services
On average, about 40 percent of the district’s K-12 students have one or more gifted identification areas. Because of that high number, support for gifted learners starts within the general education classroom and come from the classroom teacher. Classroom teachers adjust their overall curriculum and instructional practices to account for the needs of their students. While this does not always constitute formal gifted services per Ohio rules, it is a means to have the broadest impact on our gifted student population. In addition to this in-class support, Bexley offers formal gifted services as listed below:
Gifted English Language Arts course taught by gifted specialist for students in grades 4 and 5 identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability
- Gifted sections of English Language Arts course for students in grades 6-8 identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability or reading
- Compacted math for students in grades 6-8 who meet placement eligibility criteria
Honors and Advanced Placement courses for grades 9-12 for students gifted in the course subject area or who has interest or readiness for the course
Academic Acceleration and Early Entrance to K/1
Academic acceleration is a formal process of a student skipping a grade level in either one subject area or all subject areas. This includes whole grade acceleration, subject acceleration, early entrance to Kindergarten or First Grade, and early graduation. The acceleration process involves cognitive and above grade-level achievement testing and review of academic, developmental, and social-emotional data by a designated acceleration committee. The committee uses this information to inform their decision to accelerate or not to accelerate the student. Acceleration is an option for any student who demonstrates readiness and whose needs cannot be met within available grade level options. For more information about Acceleration and Early Entrance to School, click here.
Resources for Families
Below are this year's newsletters and an overview of resources that may be of interest to gifted families. For links to previous newsletters and a comprehensive list of organizations, websites, books, and magazines, click here.