Bexley City Schools has a comprehensive assessment program that meets several goals: identify student strengths and areas for growth in academic and social-emotional learning, measure student growth over time, and fulfill state and federal requirements. Assessments include a variety of formats. The most commonly know tools are the formal standardized tests as listed and described below. However, although not discussed on this page, some of the most valuable assessment tools are those used by our teachers each day in their classrooms. These include structured unit pre-tests and end of unit tests, quizzes, exit tickets, observations, questioning and discussion, skills checklists, projects, computerized tools, and so much more. Standardized tests given clear, straightforward results, but these other assessments often provide nuanced information about day to day progress. Any individual assessment result is a snapshot in time and describes a students performance in that moment of assessment. However, the combination of formal and informal assessment result provide a more complete picture of a student's knowledge, skills, and growth over time. If you have questions about your child's assessment outcomes, please consult with their teacher for further conversation about any assessment tool and how the results fit into the overall scheme of evaluations for your learner.