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Bexley City Schools has a comprehensive assessment program that meets several goals:  identify student strengths and areas for growth in academic and social-emotional learning, measure student growth over time, and fulfill state and federal requirements.  Assessments include a variety of formats. The most commonly know tools are the formal standardized tests as listed and described below.  However, although not discussed on this page, some of the most valuable assessment tools are those used by our teachers each day in their classrooms.  These include structured unit pre-tests and end of unit tests, quizzes, exit tickets, observations, questioning and discussion, skills checklists, projects, computerized tools, and so much more.  Standardized tests given clear, straightforward results, but these other assessments often provide nuanced information about day to day progress.  Any individual assessment result is a snapshot in time and describes a students performance in that moment of assessment.  However, the combination of formal and informal assessment result provide a more complete picture of a student's knowledge, skills, and growth over time.  If you have questions about your child's assessment outcomes, please consult with their teacher for further conversation about any assessment tool and how the results fit into the overall scheme of evaluations for your learner.

Ohio State Tests

The state of Ohio has a broad testing program to fulfill federal requirements along with supplemental state requirements to ensure the achievement and academic growth of all students.  Tests measure student's proficiency on grade level standards.  The state provides family reports with test results for each of these exams and cumulative reports for schools and the district are published each fall on the state report card.  Individual student results are usually returned within 2 months of administration, and schools distribute family reports either during conferences or via mail.  For more information about Ohio's state testing programs, please visit this site.

Ohio's testing programs include the following:
  • Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) - This screening tool is administered to all incoming Kindergarten students during the first weeks of school.  It includes an early literacy and early numeracy component along with review of social-emotional and developmental skills.  For more information about KRA, please visit this site.
  • Ohio State Tests Gr. 3-8 (OST) - This testing is part of a federal requirement to assess all students in reading and math each year and science in select years.  Tests are administered in April using an online testing format. All students in grades 3 through 8 take both the reading and math.  Students in grades 5 and 8 also take a science test.  As part of the state's Third Grade Reading Guarantee requirement, the 3rd grade reading test is also administered in the fall and can be retaken in the summer if students do not pass either the fall or spring administration.  **Students who have been subject accelerated in a course will take the exam that corresponds to their grade level of instruction.
  • End of Course Exams (EOC) - This testing occurs at the end of select high school courses and is administered to students in those courses.  The testing requirement fulfills federal requirements along with some additional state requirements for social studies, all of which contribute to graduation requirements.  Students who are not successful on their first attempt may retake these exams until they pass in order to acquire the needed points for graduation.  Exams are administered in April for Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, English 10, American History, and American Government. **Students in 8th grade taking Algebra I will take the Algebra I exam.
  • Ohio English Learner Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) - This is an assessment of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to determine English proficiency or students for who English is not their first language.  Students may take a screening version of this assessment upon entering the district and then are fully assessed each winter to determine language progress and support service needs.  For translated versions of the score reports, please visit this site.

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)

NWEA's Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) is computer-based that of reading and math achievement.  What makes this test unique is that it is adaptive, meaning it gets more difficult or easier depending on each individual's child's responses.  So, it is able to measure academic growth throughout the year and across years regardless of the student's starting skill level.  It is administered three times a year in September, January, and May.  Students in grades 1 through 8 take it all three times, and Kindergarten students take it in the spring.  This test is used by teachers for academic planning, and it is also used as part of the district's gifted screening and identification process.  Scores are available a week or so after the testing window closes at the end of the testing month.  Results will be provided to families either during conferences or via mail or email.   For more information about MAP or for tools to help you understand the score report, please visit this site.


PSAT is a college readiness test developed by the College Board.  It is a measure of reading and math skills, often assessed within social studies and science contexts.  Results are helpful when determining readiness for advanced coursework, such as Advanced Placement, and juniors can qualify for the National Merit Scholar program when they test their junior year.  The district also uses the scores to screen for gifted identification per Ohio law.  Bexley High School administers this exam to all students in grades 9 through 11 in October each year.  Students do not register for this test with College Board; the High School will coordinate registration for students.  Results are mailed to student homes directly form College Board.  For more information about this program, please visit this site.


ACT is a college readiness test administered to all 11th grade students each March.  The state of Ohio requires districts to administer this exam, and outcomes can be used towards graduation testing requirements.  It is a measure of reading and math skills and science knowledge.  Results can be used when applying for college admissions.  The district also uses the scores to screen for gifted identification per Ohio law.  Students do not need to individually register for this administration of the test; the district will handle that.  However, students may register for additional test dates at their own expense if they choose.  Results are mailed to student homes directly form College Board.  For more information about this program, please visit this site.

Advanced Placement Exams

Bexley High School offers and array of Advanced Placement courses based on curriculum developed by the College Board.  These courses are meant to replicate the content and experience of a freshman-level course, and students can earn college credit by successful completion of each course's corresponding AP exam.  Students enrolled in an AP course take their exam on designated test dates in May as determined by the College Board.  Bexley High School will coordinate test registration and exam fee payments with students enrolled in AP courses.  Results are mailed to student homes directly form College Board.  For more information about this program, please visit this site.

Gifted Screening

Ohio law requires districts to screen students for gifted identification in reading, math, superior cognitive ability, and creative thinking at least once in grades K-2 and once in grads 3-6.  Bexley exceeds this requirement n reading and math by offering screening opportunities to all students via the MAP assessment  in grades 3-8, PSAT in grades 9-11, and ACT in grade 11. Additionally, we assess students in grades 2 and 4 for cognitive ability and creative thinking in late October or early November.  Students who earn a gifted-qualifying score on any of these assessments will receive a letter of gifted identification mailed to their home within 30 days fo the district receiving the test scores.  For more information about gifted screening via these tests or through individual referral, please visit this site.


Panorama is a social-emotional learning survey administered twice a year, in October and March, to all students in grades 4 through 12.  Surveys include two parts: a student skills component to measure internal skills that support student academic and personal success and an environment component to understand student perceptions about their school environment.  Collective results are used to plan programs to support personal development and to further build school climate.  Student-specific information can also be used to identify students who may be at risk and in need of further supports.  Score reports are not generated for this tool.  For more information about this survey, visit the PanoramaEd site.  For more information about how Panorama was adopted by Bexley Schools, the specific components of the survey, and how information is used, please click here.


In order to better understand the needs of our middle and high school students, students in grades 7 through 12 participate in the Ohio Healthy Youth Environments Survey -- OHYES!  The OHYES! is a tool designed by the Ohio Departments of Education, Health, and Mental Health and Addiction Services and numerous other programs advocating for youth.  Questions cover topics such as personal use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, feelings about their school and community, family and personal relationships, mental health and access to care, and health-related behaviors.  The survey is completely anonymous with only group summaries provided to the district for review.  The survey is administered electronically during the school day in late November or early December.  Individuals may opt out up until the day prior to the survey.  For more information, please see the links below: