We're Planning Future Bexley Schools
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All Grades: Kindergarten - High School

The Planning Process: Phase I

Feedback from Students, Families, Faculty, Staff, Alumni & Community Members

The first phase of our strategic-planning process – information gathering – wrapped up in late November after participants in about two dozen focus groups met with leaders of our partner organization, The Big Questions Institute, to share their opinions on the state of Bexley Schools.

Focus-group participants were asked three questions:
1.    What are the strengths of Bexley Schools?
2.    What are the challenges of the schools?
3.    What are the opportunities for growth or improvement in the future?

Participants’ responses were submitted anonymously and logged electronically for others to view during each session. Each group had the opportunity to discuss the responses following each question.

Our focus groups included teachers, students from all schools, alumni, parents/guardians, and non-teaching staff members.

We also held six community forums and welcomed members of the Bexley community to our events. We thank the more than 130 community members who attended our public forums, some who no longer have children in our schools, but still have a supporting interest in our students’ education and well-being.