During the March meeting of the Bexley Schools Board of Education, Treasurer Kyle Smith provided a financial update and advised Board members that the district should seek additional revenue in order to maintain current operations, including student programming and services. Additional revenue, he said, would allow the district to avoid making cuts.
Yesterday, the Treasurer provided information on levy types and non-specific examples of the timing of levy-authorized revenue during the April Board meeting. Mr. Smith’s presentation was a preview of the school district’s Finance Advisory Council’s upcoming work when members will review various levy types and funding scenarios.
“Districts like Bexley do not typically receive enough inflationary increased revenues from property taxes or state funding,” Mr. Smith said. The last time Bexley City Schools was on the ballot requesting additional revenue was in 2019.
Mr. Smith’s March recommendation to seek additional revenue was in response to a recent financial evaluation. The evaluation confirmed that without additional revenue the district’s operating cash balance will be fewer than 70 days in fiscal year 2027 – the fourth year of the school district’s most recent Five-Year Forecast. The treasurer, abiding by the Board’s cash-reserve policy, reported the finding late last year and followed up with a new evaluation that was recently completed with the assistance of the Finance Advisory Council.
It is expected that the Finance Advisory Council’s work in the coming weeks will help inform the recommendation for a November 2024 ballot issue seeking additional funding for operations. The Board of Education will likely entertain a levy decision during its May board meeting.
Published April 11, 2024 | District Newsletter