We're Planning Future Bexley Schools
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Facilities Planning

Join Us for Facilities Updates on Jan. 23!

Bexley Schools will host two community engagement meetings related to our Facilities Planning work on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025.

  • AM – 9-10:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
  • PM – 6-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025.
Both meetings will be on the same day in the Bexley Public Library lower-level Auditorium.
Join us for one of two identical sessions when our architects from Perkins&Will discuss the latest modifications to potential building options, including a self-sufficient new middle school building.

Community Engagement Session #5

The Bexley City School District is zeroing in on a Facilities Plan and three events were held in mid-November to update Building Team members and the community on Bexley Schools’ continuing Facilities Planning work, including newly revised building options and the possibilities that could be included in a Phase 1 budget.

A Building Team Summit of nearly 40 members from the community Building Teams established at each school was held on Monday, Nov. 18, to receive the latest update and provide input on building recommendations to architects from Perkins&Will. This Summit was followed by two Community Engagement sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 19 and 20, attended by nearly 100 community members. 

This week’s update included adjustments to the options presented by Perkins&Will in August to the Building Teams and Board of Education. The August options included Building Team recommendations at a $330 million price tag. The Board members at that meeting asked the architects what updates to each school might be able to occur with a budget of $120-$130 million. Perkins&Will architects said they would develop options under that budget scenario and report back to the Board. A second working meeting was in late October to inform the Board of building possibilities that could fit within their suggested Phase 1 budget.

Community Engagement Session #4 - Building Options

Bexley Schools’ fourth Community Engagement Session for facilities planning took place this week, with two public meetings at Bexley Public Library. Our facilities planning currently is in Phase 2 – the Options Phase – and architects from Perkins&Will and Moody Nolan were on hand to present their first recommendations for modifications to each Bexley school building, including what to repair, renovate, or rebuild.

When developing options, the architects took into consideration not only the needed repairs for each structure, but also the state’s recommended standards for school buildings and community input into what is desired within the buildings. 

The architects’ first design options include properly sized classrooms with daylight, better bathroom accommodations, improved circulation within buildings, and more.

The school district’s Facilities Advisory Committee and Building Team members reviewed the options and offered feedback before the options were presented to the community this week. Building Teams will continue working with our architects throughout the summer to revise and refine options.

The Building Options, as presented by our architects this week, are available on the district’s website. > Review the options; > See the Community Feedback on the Options

School Configuration Alternatives Vetted During Facilities Planning Work

Dr. Harley Williams, Bexley Schools’ Director of Facilities & Operations, shared with attendees additional “districtwide options” that were considered not only by administrators, but also by the Facilities Advisory Committee members and Building Team members.

“When we began this process, a lot of people had ideas about configuration of schools,” he said. “If we’re doing facilities design, should we also look at how our schools are configured?” In conjunction with the Facilities Advisory Committee, district officials considered six options for the district’s schools, including ideas from community members who asked the district to be creative. 

You are encouraged to watch Dr. Williams' presentation explaining this work at 20:32 of the Community Engagement meeting video. 

Community Engagement Session #3

Architects from Perkins&Will presented a report to the Bexley Board of Education on April 10 summarizing Phase 1, the assessments phase of the District Facilities Planning and also led two Community Engagement meetings this week, previewing the next Options Phase.

Steve Turckes, a principal architect with Perkins&Will, encouraged the audience of Bexley school families and residents to adjust their mindsets to start thinking of the future when considering the important task of Facilities Planning.

As an example, he said, “In the year 2060, a child whose parents are not yet born will attend Bexley City Schools. This child will likely not know you, us, or others who created this District Facilities Plan and the vision for their educational experience. If you gauge the historic nature of the schools you have today, it’s very likely that whatever the solution, the outcomes here will still be in place whenever this child walks through the doors of those schools.”

Following Mr. Turckes’ presentation on how schools have changed since many Bexley schools were built decades ago, Perkins&Will principal architect Aimee Eckmann began a photo tour of modern learning environments being used in schools throughout the country and abroad.

Flexible and adaptive space was a central theme to the learning environments she presented. She also suggested that school spaces should “work hard” – with the ability to be amended easily for a class need, a performance, or a community meeting or event.

Community Engagement Session #2

Bexley Schools hosted the second Community Engagement Session as part of our Facilities Planning work on March 12, 2024. During the meetings, leaders from our architectural design partners Perkins&Will and Moody Nolan shared information on physical and educational assessments completed on each of our school buildings.

The presentation of building assessments for each school wraps up Phase 1 of our Facilities Planning work.

During the meetings, Brent Wilcox, an architect from Moody Nolan, presented an overview of the physical assessments of each building, such as mechanical, electrical and plumbing, lighting, doors and windows, and drainage.

The next part of the presentation focused on an educational analysis of the building, using diagrams of the Middle School/High School building as an example. The diagrams showed circulation, daylight availability, room size, and more. Following the presentation part of the sessions, attendees were invited to view assessment diagrams for each building. Each building’s principal was available to answer questions.

This part of the meeting also focused on the differences in learning options and opportunities today compared to when the buildings were built decades ago, and also compared the size of each school’s site area to what the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission recommends for today’s school facilities.

Toward the end of the formal presentation, Bexley Schools Treasurer/CFO Kyle Smith explained that bond issuances are how schools typically pay for facilities-related projects. Bexley Schools last issued $27 million in bonds for school projects in 2000. That debt expires in 2027, he said. Mr. Smith also discussed how millage is determined in property taxes, as well as the cost of an example project and how inflation and other issues affect projected costs. The example numbers were developed by our architects.

To better understand the assessment information, information on bond issuances, and example costs, you are encouraged to watch the video of the Community Engagement Session.

>  Presentation Slides

School Building Assessment Diagrams

Community Engagement Session #1

January 23, 2024, marked Day 1 of Bexley Schools’ facilities planning process and nearly 80 members of the Bexley community, including parents/guardians and staff members, attended our first community engagement sessions featuring our architectural design partners.

The schools’ architectural design and facilities assessment partners were introduced during both sessions and the principal partners of Perkins&Will and Moody Nolan were introduced to the audiences. Perkins&Will and Moody Nolan have collaborated on numerous school projects over the past decade and have worked together on more than 1.5 million square feet of educational learning spaces.

Steve Turckes, principal at Perkins&Will, explained that the planning process will have three parts, including the assessment phase, which we’re in now. Phase two and three will focus on options and decisions. Phase three will conclude the early part of 2025. “We are really at the very beginning,” Mr. Turckes said. “We don’t walk into this with any preconceived notion of what’s going to come out at the other side of it. We’ve done this process with any number of school districts and clients here in the U.S. and abroad. I have a lot of faith in the process that a good outcome and one uniquely tuned to Bexley will come out the other side of this.”

Watch Video of Our First Community Engagement Session 

Strategic Plan Recommends a District Facilities Plan

Facilities Planning Community Feedback Form

We value and welcome your input! Share your thoughts about current buildings and facilities and/or your ideas for future facilities now. > Go to bex.fyi/feedback 
End of Phase I Report

This report was created by Perkins&Will architects and includes a summary and overview of each Bexley school building.

This report was created by the team of Moody Nolan/Concord-Addis/CMTA and includes its findings and recommendations for the district’s educational facilities.

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District Facilities Planning Contacts

Dr. Harley Williams
Director of Facilities & Operations
(614) 231-4260

John Eikenberry
Business Manager
(614) 231-4258