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Five-Year Forecast

The five-year forecast is the primary document used to assess the financial health of a public school in Ohio. The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce requires each public school district to file this report at least twice annually.

At the time of completion, it is an educated prediction of how a district will perform financially for the current year, as well as the following four years. This management tool engages district leadership in long-range planning of the financial issues facing the district.

It is important to realize that this document is a tool and is subject to change as time progresses. Adjustments and changes will inevitably occur between the first and even the second year, let alone the fifth. The most important pieces to the forecast are the assumptions or notes. These assumptions provide support and explanation for the numbers.

More information about Five-Year Forecasts is available on the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce website.

Bexley City School District Financial Snapshot 

Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25)

The following is a breakdown of Bexley Schools’ revenue sources and expenditures for FY25.

Property Taxes & the School District Income Tax 

Local sources – property taxes and the school district income tax – account for nearly 84% of the schools’ General Fund revenue sources.

Wages & Benefits

Wages and benefits account for 73% of the district’s General Fund expenses.

Ending Cash Balance in True Cash Days

The following depicts the schools’ projected cash-balance status. “Ending Cash Balance in True Cash Days” represents the number of days the district could operate without receiving any revenue.

It is important to understand how cash balance is important to districts like Bexley with respect to levy cycles and how it is not uncommon to see a wave or stair-step of balances over time.



To better understand cash balances for school districts, please see the report General Revenue Fund Cash Balances – Management, Guidance, and Best Practices by the Ohio Association of School Business Officials. Bexley Schools’ Treasurer/CFO Kyle Smith was a contributing subcommittee member to the report.