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Clubs & Organizations
Academic Quiz Team -
Mrs. Hoch
Art Club -
Ms. Groot
Activities include open studio time, art help, and community projects. Meeting times are Monday-Wednesday during lunch in room 7111. All students are welcome to join.
BAAPI (Bexley Asian American and Pacific Islanders) -
Mr. Spangler
Mr. Nolan
Bexley Thespians -
Ms. Rhinehart
BHS Tour Guides
Mrs. Krosnosky
Mr. Teeters
Ms. Revetta
Mr. Leland
Black Student Union --
Ms. Day
Provides black students in Bexley with a community & support system.
Book Club
Mr. Nolan
Dr. King-Owen
Bexley Refugee and Immigrant Service Club
Chess Club -
Mr. Nolan
Cinema Club -
Mr. Nolan
Meets Mondays to watch movies
Cum Laude -
Ms. Hillman
Dungeons & Dragons -
Mr. Chrysler
Mr. Scott
Engineering Club -
Mr. Bright
Environmental Club -
Mr. Logsdon
Meets every other Thursday.
Euchre Club -
Mr. Kozy
Film Club -
Dr. Ponce
Meets weekly to create movies
Garden Club -
Mrs. Motasem
Gay-Straight Alliance -
Dr. King-Owen
Global Scholars -
Ms. Moore
Improv -
Ms. Rhinehart
and Professor McDow
International Club
Ms. Nakasako
Investment Club -
Mr. Willcoxon
Jewish Student Union -
Mrs. Horger
Junior Classical League -
Ms. Hillman
Meets Tuesdays in 4303. All students are welcome. Our purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to understand the connections of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity. We play games, watch classically inspired movies, socialize with other classicists, and appreciate the world of the Ancients.
Karaoke Club -
Mr. Nolan
Key Club -
Mrs. Motasem
Key Club is a service club that is committed to serving our community. Each member is encouraged to share their passion for service by developing leadership skills that create new opportunities to help out others in our community. Volunteer hours can be earned by attending twice monthly meetings and through volunteer opportunities outside of school.
Lamplight Literary Magazine -
Mr. Hemmelgarn
National Honor Society -
Dr. Rogers
News Crew (Morning Announcements) -
Mrs. Vehorn
Poetry Out Loud
Mr. Nolan
Ping Pong Club -
Mrs. Flower
Robotics Club -
Mr. Cummins
Science Resource Center -
Mrs. Mulder
Ski Club -
Mr. Carfagna
Student Council -
Mr. Featherstone
Student Leadership Research Collaborative
Ms. Moore
Taylor Swift Club -
Ms. Rogers
Ms. Rhinehart
Student Newspaper -
Mrs. Horger
Ms. Day
UMOJA is a Kwanzaa principle meaning "unity." This club acts as a safe space for Black girls within Bexley High School
where they are able to build a sense of community as well as empower each other to strive socially and academically
. This club meets every Wednesday during lunch in Ms. Day's room, with the goal of "
niting and
pportunities for
oy and
cademic Success."
Women in STEM -
Mrs. Mulder
Youth Philanthropy Program -
Ms. Glasgow
Ms. Hauswirth
Students meet at lunch time starting in the fall to learn the philanthropic grant making process from various speakers and award grants at the end of the first semester for Bexley Middle School & High School projects, programs and clubs.