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2025-2026 Registration Begins Feb. 12
All Grades: Kindergarten - High School

How We Support Our Students

Teacher Office Hours

Teachers and departments are available to work with students from 7:35 - 8:20 am Tuesday - Friday. Students are encouraged to use this support time to meet with teachers regarding homework questions, review for assessments, re-teaching of course material, or as a place to work and ask questions as needed. The current Teacher Office Hours schedule is:

Monday:       No Office Hours (Staff Meetings)
Tuesday:      Allied Arts, English, Math, Science,  
Wednesday: Fine Arts, Social Studies, Student Services, World Languages
Thursday:     Allied Arts, Fine Arts, Math, Social Studies 
Friday:          English, Science, Student Services, World Languages

Guided Learning Lunch

Students may visit with their classroom teachers during the second half of lunch. This time may be utilized in a variety of ways: clarification of instruction, re-assessment, pre-teaching of upcoming topics, question/answer sessions, review for assessments, etc. Students can schedule to meet with the teacher or drop in as needed.

Students who need assistance with day-to-day student skills or work completion may be assigned for 3-6 weeks with a content specific teacher (not necessarily their classroom teacher). During this time, a students' main task is completion of homework. Students may also be asked to check upcoming assignments, review for assessments, etc.

English Resource Center (ERC)

The English Resource Center (ERC) is a drop-in, appointment, and referral center for BHS students. The ERC supports students, helping them maximize their literacy and composition skills through enrichment. The ERC may also assist with interventions for students who struggle with basic literacy and composition skills.
The ERC is located in room 4187, which is on the first floor of the main high school hallway next door to the English Resource Center.

Math Resource Center (MRC)

The Math Resource Center (MRC) provides students with additional math content support throughout the academic day. Students may drop-in to review or ask questions about homework, prepare for upcoming assessments, or just to ask any general questions related to the student's math course(s). The MRC is is staffed by a high school math teacher during each academic period of the day.

The MRC is located in room 4150 (1st - 6th periods) and room 4311 (7th period). Room 4150 is located towards the back, left-hand side of the school library.

More Information

Jason Caudill, Principal
Bexley High School
326 S. Cassingham Road
Bexley, OH 43209
(614) 231-4591, ext. 4189