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Coming Soon!
2025-2026 Registration Begins Feb. 12
All Grades: Kindergarten - High School

School Counseling

The K-12 School Counseling Program aligns with the mission and vision of Bexley City Schools and provides a comprehensive, developmental counseling program for all students. The program is designed to help each student build and develop their academic, social / emotional, and career and college strengths to become responsible and productive citizens.

School Counselors respect the confidentiality of students, families and staff members. With that said, as mandated reporters, disclosures of abuse and / or imminent danger to self or others will be reported to the appropriate agency in accordance with the law.

Mental Health Professionals

A team of Nationwide Children’s Hospital mental health professionals are available to help Bexley students K-12, as supported by a grant from Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAMH). For more information or to seek a referral, please meet with your assigned school counselor or the Health Clinic.

School Counselors

For any information or questions, students are encouraged to contact their School Counselor.

Sol Bowling
Secretary & Registrar
(614) 231-4591 ext. 4194 & 4193