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Bell Schedules

MS Bell Schedules

Regular Bell Schedule
Homeroom/Period 1 
8:35 - 9:28
Period 2 
9:33 - 10:21
Period 3 
10:26 - 11:14
Period 411:19 -12:07
Lunch/ Recess
12:07 - 12:56
Period 5
12:56 - 1:44
Period 6 
1:49 - 2:37
Period 7
2:42 - 3:30

2 Hour Delay Bell Schedule
Homeroom/Period 1 
10:35 - 11:11
Period 2 
11:16 - 11:47
Lunch/ Recess
11:47 - 12:35
Period 3
12:35 - 1:06 
Period 4
1:11 - 1:42
Period 5
1:47 - 2:18
Period 6 
2:23 - 2:54
Period 7
2:59 - 3:30