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Laurel Honor Society

Bexley Middle School Laurel Honor Society
It is traditional in schools throughout our land that recognition be given for achievement.  This assembly is for the purpose of honoring those who are now approaching the close of their middle school careers.  The congratulations and best wishes of the entire staff are extended to each student.  May the future be filled with the richest blessings.
Qualifications for the Laurel Honor Society
Service: Student has successfully completed 10 hours of service during 8th grade.

Academics: During the first seven quarters of 7th and 8th grade, the student has only earned strand grades of “Secure” and “Approaching.”

Participation: Student has participated in at least one co-curricular, extra-curricular, or school club/ organization during 7th or 8th grade.

Learning Skills & Work Habits: During 8th grade, the student has only earned grades of “Secure” and Approaching.”

Attendance: Student has a school attendance rate of 90% or better during 7th and 8th grade.
History of the Laurel Honor Society
The society was organized during the second semester of 1931. The 1931 Constitution of the Laurel Society stated its purpose: "to encourage a higher standard of scholarship, to promote a greater respect for the student, ... that the desire to do better work may reach the entire student body."

Past faculty sponsors of the Laurel Honor Society have included Mrs. Elizabeth Beatty, Mr. Doug Ehrman, Mrs. Blythe Jones, Mrs. Helen Liebert and Mrs. Lin Barnard. Currently, the Allied Arts Team organizes this assembly.

 Code of the Laurel Honor Society

L is for leadership. A leader is always striving ahead, searching for new ideas and applications.
A is for ambition. Ambition provides the drive to put forth the energy necessary to reach one's full potential and goals in life.
U is for understanding. Understanding oneself provides insight, while understanding others provides tolerance.
R is for reliability. In today's interconnected world people constantly depend on other people. Reliability is a crucial personal attribute.
E is for enthusiasm. An optimistic approach is healthy and influences others to join in a positive direction
L is for loyalty. Our heritage is built on loyalty. One must be loyal to family, community, country, and ultimately, to self.

The colors of the Laurel Honor Society are purple and gold. Purple signifies nobility. There is no more noble pursuit than the pursuit of knowledge. Gold represents the spiritual aspect of our lives. By clinging to virtue we always use our knowledge appropriately.
The laurel wreath is a symbol of excellence. During the ancient Olympics, a laurel wreath was presented to those displaying outstanding skill in athletic events. Today, for the members of the Laurel Honor Society, the laurel wreath represents excellence in scholastic achievement.

On the Laurel Honor Society emblem, the laurel wreath encircles a symbolic book of knowledge. A burning torch is also depicted, symbolizing the continuity of passing on the membership from year to year.
The motto of the Laurel Honor Society is "Love Wisdom, and She Shall Promote Thee." We honor all who strive to embrace wisdom.
In addition to those students who are inducted into the Laurel Honor Society each year, staff and students annually award two individual awards at the end of the school year.
Tim Stowe Memorial Athletic Award

Awarded annually to a male and female athlete to honor their leadership, sportsmanship, and teamwork in the area of athletics. Honorees have been nominated by their coaches and teachers as the kind of teammate all would embrace.
Justin Haas Citizenship Award

Awarded annually to a male and female student by their peers to honor their demonstrations of exceptional citizenship. They embody characteristics that all should strive for: responsibility, kindness, volunteerism, dedication to learning, and respect.

Click the link below for directions on how to enter your LHS Service Hours.