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Extra-Curricular Eligibility

Extra-curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities with academic eligibility requirements include, but are not limited to: all school sponsored athletic programs, the theater program, student council, all MS/HS clubs that have competitions or performances.

Extracurricular activities are any school sponsored groups or teams that perform/ compete as representatives of the school and/or district but do not have a grade or credit earned as a result. This includes, but is not limited to, athletic teams, theater program, academic bowls, etc.

This does not include band, choir, orchestra, non-competitive clubs, community sponsored athletic teams, etc.

Bexley Theatre Arts (External Link)

How will extra-curricular eligibility be determined with SBG?

Extra-curricular activities are any school sponsored group or team that performs/ competes as representatives of the school and/or district but does not have a grade or credit earned as a result. This includes, but is not limited to, athletic teams, theater program, academic bowls, etc. 

This does not include band, choir, orchestra, non-competitive clubs, community sponsored athletic teams, etc.

The Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) governs athletic eligibility in the state of Ohio for students in grade 7-12. In order to be eligible, a student must pass five (5) classes the preceding grading period. Students will receive an overall course grade of passing or failing for this reason.

In a class that uses SBG, students who earn a Secure (4), Approaching  (3), or Needs Support (2) in each standard for a course will be given an overall grade of “Pass” for that course.

Insufficient Evidence (0) is in place of a traditional zero or incomplete and it is meant to be a temporary score. Students who earn an “0” will be given an overall grade of “Fail” for that course until the teacher has received enough information to make a determination of their knowledge and skills.

Passing grades are required in a minimum of five subjects in which enrolled in the immediately preceding grading period. All courses, regardless of how many times per week the course meets, in which a student receives a grade count toward this eligibility requirement.

Any questions about eligibility should be directed to the building or athletic administration. 

OHSAA Eligibility Guide for Participation in 7th-8th Grade Athletics (external link)