Any portable electronic device including, but not limited to, cellular and wireless phones, digital cameras, tablets, e-readers, smartphones, laptops, WiFi-enabled or broadband access devices, and devices that allow a person to record, access and/or transmit on either a real time or delayed basis, data, sound, video or still images, text, or other information. (Board Policy EDE)
This includes phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, headphones, and similar devices that are not school issued.
Students may not access personal devices during instructional time. This includes during class periods, study halls, homeroom, assemblies, and flex time (MS).
Students may access personal devices between classes, before and after school, during lunch/ recess, during field trips (according to that particular trip’s guidelines).
If a student has their device during a time that it is not permitted, a staff member will collect the device and turn it into the office based on the school’s procedure. The first time a student has a device sent to the office, they will be able to pick it up at the end of the school day. The second time a student has a device sent to the office, a parent/ guardian will need to pick it up from the school office. This may require an appointment outside of typical office hours. Any further cases of a student having their device sent to the office will require a meeting with an administrator and an individual plan developed.