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2025-2026 Registration Begins Feb. 12
All Grades: Kindergarten - High School

What Is One Bexley?

The One Bexley Project is a collaborative initiative of the Bexley City School District, City of Bexley, and the Bexley Public Library. Currently in the planning phase, this initiative is intended to be a multi-faceted program designed to more deliberately and comprehensively bolster a community culture that ensures that Bexley is welcoming and provides a sense of belonging for all community members and visitors.


The leadership of the Bexley City Schools, City of Bexley, and the Bexley Public Library is united in this effort and is working on a community program called the One Bexley project.

One Bexley isn’t intended to replace work that we are continuing to do within our own institutions to address gaps in equity or to in any way alleviate the need for our own systemic reforms.

Rather, One Bexley is a program designed for participation by our entire community, aiming to bridge gaps in understanding, deepen community unity, and provide the tools necessary to create cultural transformation and foster a dynamic sense of belonging for all residents and visitors in Bexley. This ambitious and exciting initiative will require the awareness and participation of the entire community.  

In order to be successful, the program requires deep community participation. We’re sure you have a lot of questions, and we certainly don’t have all the answers. Asking you to join us in thinking through this program and how it can be truly meaningful for our community is a critical part of One Bexley’s success.
Project Leadership

Dr. Jason Fine
Bexley Schools Superintendent

Ben Kessler
Bexley Mayor

Ben Heckman
Executive Director
Bexley Public Library