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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the BCS Online School and other district schools?  

The BCS Online School (BCSOS) is a fully digital learning option for K-12 students within Bexley City Schools who require off-site school placement for the 2021-2022 school year.  It is intended to be a different learning environment for students whose needs are best served by such a program.  As such, it will look and feel very different from the environments provided within physical buildings across the district.  BCSOS is built upon an Ohio-specific curriculum and taught by Ohio-licensed teachers with a streamlined focus on core academics. This narrowed focus enables enrolled students and their families to prioritize attention on critical academic content while addressing family needs that prompted the enrollment in BCSOS.  BCS Online School is not intended to be a digital version of the programming offered in the district’s physical buildings.  BCS Online School is a unique school within the district.

What is the difference between the BCS Online School and last year's e-Learning learning plan ?  

During the 2020-2021 school year, Bexley City Schools offered an online option that was very fluid over the year, allowing students to move in and out as the global and local situation due to the pandemic evolved.  In July 2021, legislation was passed by the Ohio legislature and signed into law by the Governor that modified requirements for school districts and online learning options.  This law created provisions for districts to operate an online school, including more structured expectations regarding curriculum and student attendance.  The Governor and the Ohio Department of Education have clearly stated such online schools are not meant to be short-term transition strategies, as students benefit from consistent, stable, and intentional academic programming.  To that end, Bexley City Schools has created an option for online learning for students who are most in need due to exceptional reasons.  BCS Online School is meant to be a long-term enrollment (full semester or full year) purposefully selected by interested families as the best learning environment for enrolled students.

We do not know if we want to register our child for the BCS Online School now.  Can we decide later?

Enrollment in BCSOS is considered an intradistrict open enrollment in alignment with Board Policy JECBD.  An application must be made in writing using the Intradistrict Open Enrollment form, obtained on the district website or from the district office no later than the business day prior to the first day of the school year or second semester.

How does my child’s enrollment change if we register for BCS Online School?

Students who are enrolled in BCSOS remain registered with Bexley City Schools.  However, they are not attached to a physical building or Bexley classroom teacher.    

Can we enroll our student part time in the BCS Online School and part time in another district school?

Partial enrollment or dual enrollment with another Bexley school will not be granted.  Students must be enrolled full time in one designated district school entity.

Will all applications for enrollment in BCS Online School be approved?

Approval will be based on space availability and with consideration of the individual student's learning needs to ensure maximum student success.

Can we transfer back to a physical school building after enrolling in the BCS Online School?

Application must be made in writing using the Intradistrict Open Enrollment form, obtained on the district website or from the district office.  Applications to transfer enrollment to a district building must be filed by December 1 to transfer second semester or April 30 to transfer at the start of the new year.

Why was the program with Jefferson County Educational Service Center selected?

Jefferson County ESC has been operating a Virtual Learning Academy since 2004, having worked with over 50,000 Ohio students across 173 districts along with students from across the United States.  They have developed a curriculum based on Ohio learning standards and utilize licensed teachers.  For more information about their work, visit their website at https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VLA.aspx.

What if a course our student would like to take is not offered in the online school?

Students may only enroll in courses available through the online provider.  Secondary students may also utilize other options, such as College Credit Plus, to broaden course choices.  Please refer to details about such programs for information about deadlines and enrollment. 

Can my student take courses beyond their grade level?

In order to take courses outside the grade level, a student must go through the formal acceleration process. This process includes advertised deadlines by which to apply.  See our website for information.   Because of the timing of the year, no new acceleration evaluations will occur for fall placement.  Students who have already been formally accelerated will be enrolled in the appropriate course based on that acceleration.  Compacted math courses offered at Bexley Middle School are not available in the online school.

If my child is enrolled in the BCS Online School, how will they participate in district and state testing?

Federal and Ohio law and regulations require a variety of assessments to be administered to students across all grade levels.  As a district, we are legally obligated to conduct such testing.  These testing programs require students to be tested in person on the school campus.  This includes all state testing for all grade levels, fall gifted cognitive testing, MAP, and fall PSAT and ACT testing for high schoolers.  The district is bound by test administration protocols established by the test publisher and cannot deviate from those requirements in any way.  The BCS Online School principal will communicate with families about dates and locations for assessments as they occur.

If my child is enrolled in the BCS Online School, can they participate in extracurricular activities?

Yes. Your student can participate in after school extracurricular activities, such as sports, high school clubs, and the theater program.  However, this does not include co-curricular activities, such as long-term class projects, or middle or high school orchestra or choir, led during the school day, as those activities will not have a virtual counterpart available.  

Will students in the BCS Online School still have access to special education, English learner, and gifted services?

Please refer to the page devoted to students with exceptional needs for more information.