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Tips and Resources to Support Learning Online

Tips for Success

We recommend students and families consider the following tips to help make online learning a success:

  • Establish a daily routine that includes consistent bedtimes and wakeup times, meals, dedicated learning time, breaks between subject areas, physical activity, and time for leisure interests.  Create a schedule and post it in a prominent place.
  • Create a space that is used just for online learning time.  It can be a table or desk but should be off to the side.
    • Include plenty of space for the computer and learning materials (paper, writing tools, books, etc.)
    • Place in an area without distractions (TVs, video game systems, phone, high traffic areas of the home)
    • Be sure it is well lit to reduce eye-strain.
    • Have your student add a personal touch (picture, plant, poster, choice of school supplies) to make it feel familiar and comfortable.
  • Set reasonable daily goals for completing lessons and assignments.  Aim for one unit per course per week.  Consider writing “assignments” down on a post it note or small whiteboard nearby as a checklist for your student.


Learning and Thinking Activities That DON’T Require a Computer

You may find your student completes assignments more quickly than what may happen on site in school.  School days include a lot of transition routines between spaces and events and shared time and attention with other students; since much of that isn’t occurring at home, your student may complete a day’s worth of instruction in less than the time of a typical school day. Below are some ideas for engaging activities that don’t utilize a computer screen for anyone in the family to try. 

  • Build something out of LEGO, K’Nex, blocks, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, or any other building materials 

  • Draw, paint, sculpt, photograph, dance, or make music or film to communicate a thought, feeling, or idea

  • Play charades or pictionary

  • Draw, paint, sculpt, photograph, dance, or make music or film to communicate a thought, feeling, or idea

  • Go on a scavenger hunt through the house or outside in the yard

  • Explore nature and try to identify something new found outside using a book from the library

  • Play board games

  • Complete a jigsaw puzzle

  • Complete crossword puzzles, Sudokus, or logic puzzles

  • Write a story

  • Read a book

  • Make a scrapbook or journal about experiences during e-learning

  • Create a comic or graphic novel version or fan fiction based on a recently read book

  • Plan a meal or cook a new recipe

  • Learn a new life skill (do laundry, change a tire, balance a checkbook, etc.)

  • Brainstorm ideas and plan out a new business or invention to meet an observed need

  • Engage in a passion project that includes research, service learning, or real world problem solving.  (**These require a computer to get started.) For ideas of project types and guidance on how to complete a passion project, visit the sites below: